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Woo Time to Buy

Wordpess - Woocommerce

Enhance your online store with our plugin that allows customers to set price drop alerts or select a specific date to be notified by email.


Woo Time to Buy is a powerful plugin designed for Woocommerce-based shops. It enhances the shopping experience by adding a short email form to product pages, strategically placed under the Buy Now button. The form can be either hidden or visible based on your preferences.

Capture customer emails without being pushy and engage shoppers who usually skip signing up for newsletters.

Why use Woo Time to Buy (WTTB)?

If a customer is not ready to make an immediate purchase, they can sign up to receive a shopping alert for your product at a specified time in the future. This plugin allows users to sign up for both time-based and price-drop alerts, giving them control over when they receive notifications. This feature is particularly useful for customers with specific buying schedules, those looking to restock, or those shopping for special occasions.

By providing this flexibility, Woo Time to Buy empowers your visitors, ensuring they receive shopping alerts exactly when they want them. It complements your proactive email list strategy and serves as a valuable passive marketing tool.

Will I know who signed up for what?

To respect customer privacy, contact information remains hidden. However, you will have visibility into the types of alerts (date or price-drop) and the specific products for which they signed up. This information can be leveraged to adjust pricing or run targeted promotions.

New Features (Version 1.2.0)

The latest version introduces a log of reminder status, distinguishing between Pending and Sent reminders. For time-based alerts, you can now see when the request was made and the future date and time for the reminder.

Settings Screen

The settings screen is organized into two tabs: General and Email, providing easy customization options for your Woo Time to Buy plugin.

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